; Plisherrific: Fools Gold - Laced Gold nail foil transfer, Essence Rose Glam

Jun 26, 2013

Fools Gold - Laced Gold nail foil transfer, Essence Rose Glam

This is a kinda old transfer foil manicure, so apologies for the crappy photos. This is Laced Gold nail foil transfer over Essence French Glam in Rose Glam.

[Gold veins]
I was trying to go for a subtly fancy manicure, but I don't think it quite worked out how I imagined!

[Bottle to nail: Essence French Glam in Rose Glam (2 coats)]
I started with two layers of Essence French Glam in Rose Glam, a milky creme/jelly (crelly!). Although it's called Rose Glam, there's barely a hint of pinkness to it, mostly just a neutral cream shade.

[2 coats: Essence French Glam in Rose Glam]
The finish was a bit patchy unfortunately, but I figured, hey, I'm gonna slap on a transfer, let's see how we go...
[Base: Essence Rose Glam (2 coats); Foil transfer: Laced Gold]
Hmmmm... not really what I was going for! I think the areas between the gold are quite spacey so it doesn't translate well. Would definitely look better with a coloured base, I reckon! Oh well! That's an experiment for next time! ;)


  1. I have this one - try it over a light aqua - looks amazing!

    1. Oooh, I'll have to try that! It sounds a bit like the combo in African Jade, which is another one I'm yet to try... /o\
