Gosh, it's been a while! Life got a bit crazy there and I had bare nails for weeks (gasp!). But here we go again... =)
[Bottle to nail: Dance Legend Danger Danger (2 coats)] |
As usual, whenever I need to get back into the swing of things, I go for a nice red polish to pep up my nails. This one is Danger Danger from Dance Legend, a red shimmer with large scattered holo particles.
[2 coats: Dance Legend Danger Danger] |
Great formula as I've come to expect from Dance Legend. These pics show two coats - dries fairly quickly and applies evenly.
[2 coats: Dance Legend Danger Danger] |
I've been on the lookout for a nice bright neutral red holo but for some reason I keep collecting ones that are just the slightest bit off. This one pulls slightly darker in real life than in these photos, and as you can tell, it's a bit more raspberry than a true red.
[2 coats: Dance Legend Danger Danger] |
Still a gorgeous polish though, and even though the holo particles give it a bit of sparkle, it's not over the top rainbows so it makes for a pretty worksafe polish in my opinion!